Sam was an ordinary boy from a small town who had a very unusual problem. While his friends at school were beginning to discover the allure of nudity in magazines and on the internet, Sam was seeing something very different. Instead of intimate body parts, black censored squares appeared before his eyes, covering everything that was considered erotic.
At first Sam thought it was strange, but he didn't worry too much about it. He figured it was just a passing phenomenon, something that would soon disappear. But as the years passed, his ability to see nudity hadn't changed. The black squares had become a permanent part of his perception.
One day, when he was about fifteen, he decided he had to find out why it was happening to him. He went to the library and spent hours searching through books on human psychology, visual perception, and even unexplained phenomena. But he found nothing.
When he confided in his parents, they sent him to doctors and specialists. They put him through various tests, but the results were always the same - physically he was perfectly fine. No one could explain why Sam was seeing black squares.
Over time, Sam realized the hard truth. He began to meet people who believed in the "Beta Male" theory - the idea that certain types of men, because of their submissive nature, were not worthy of seeing nudity. Sam resigned himself to this fate. He was a beta male who didn't deserve to see nudity, whether it was fair or not.
Sam's desire for answers and a normal life dissolved into bitterness and resignation. He continued to live in a world of black squares where he was forever denied seeing what others considered natural.